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Since 1998

Bhutan Tour

Bhutan is a kingdom in the heart of the great Himalaya, nestled between Tibet and India’s Assam Plains. In its 18,000 sq. mile Bhutan offers a variety of climates, from the hot and humid jungles of the southern foothills to the temperate inner Himalayas to the frigid snow-capped peaks in the north which rises to 7700 mts. Bhutan’s state religion is the Drukpa sect of Kagyupa, a school of Mahayana Buddhism.

BUMTHANG: Nestled in the barley fields and apple groves of the Bumthang valley, ancient art- filled temples dating back to the seventh century mark the origins of Buddhism in Bhutan. A rustic lodge for tourists has been built in the shadow of Jakar Dzong.

PHUNTSHOLING: From its vast views of the BHUTAN plains, this overland gateway town is the start of a breathtaking drive round hairpin turns through lush forests to the towns and valleys of the Inner Himalayas at 4,000- 8,000 feet (1,200 – 2,400 meters).

PARO: The PARO valley is more than beautiful; it is visually stunning and historically fascinating. It is also a delightful place from which to enjoy the country’s most famous festival held at the Paro Dzong just across the Valley ( a Dzong is a uniquely Bhutanese Buddhist fortress/monastery). This beautiful terraced valley is home to many of Bhutan’s oldest temples-and its first airport. The National Museum is located in an ancient watchtower here and Taktsang Monastery clings to sheer cliffs 3,000 feet (900 meters) above the valley.

Call for general departures:

(+977) 98510 51658

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