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Since 1998

Jungle safari

Nepal’s wild jungles are home to an astonishing variety of wildlife and provide a magnificent contrast to the snowy peaks of the Himalayas and the hustle and bustle of Kathmandu. A visit to one of Nepal’s wild jungle areas, in particular Chitwan National Park, Bardia National Park and the Koshi Tappu Wildlife Reserve, makes a wonderful extension to your main holiday program.

While staying in or near the parks you can have fantastic jungle adventures including elephant safaris, jungle walks, jeep safaris and canoeing. At Chitwan and Bardia, you may encounter rare and endangered animals such as the one-horned rhinoceros and Royal Bengal tiger. Other species you can encounter include wild elephants, sloth bears, four species of deer, leopards and langur and rhesus monkeys. Gharial and marsh mugger crocodiles and the freshwater Gangetic dolphins also inhabit the rivers. Koshi Tappu, in particular, is a bird watchers paradise, where hundreds of different species of water birds have been recorded.

Your jungle safari activities will be determined by the number of nights you have to spend. For example if you have two nights and three days you can fit in an Elephant ride into the jungle, jungle walk, bird watching, a dugout canoe ride down the river. In the evenings you relax and enjoy slide shows or traditional Terai dances. If you have more time you could include some specialized excursions like a jungle jeep drive and a visit to the elephant breeding centre.

These short Jungle trips can be extended to get to know the area, the wildlife and the culture, or can be combined with a longer stay in Nepal to fully appreciate the diversity of this amazing little country. You will see that our Soft Adventure tours have already combined some great experiences for you, but let us know what you would like to do and we will put it together for you.

Call for general departures:

(+977) 98510 51658

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